Latest News

Heathrow Expansion – the Colne Valley Regional Park’s position
We remain publicly and determinedly opposed to the plans to expand Heathrow Airport, which will cut the Park in two, changing it for ever. 1200 acres of Green Belt will be lost and many more hundreds of acres will be built over by displaced existing businesses, and for new facilities to serve a bigger Heathrow. What’s more, five rivers will be put into 2km-long tunnels or diverted, cutting connections for wildlife between the internationally-rare chalk streams of the Chilterns and the Thames.

Landscape Recovery in and around Horton, Wraysbury, Colnbrook & Poyle
Over the past year, the Colne Valley Park Team has been working to enhance the green spaces around Horton, Colnbrook & Poyle, and Wraysbury. Find out what we have been up to…

Why we need to protect the Colne Valley Regional Park
Act now to secure its legacy and potential!

The Colne Valley Park Forum and Lottery Landscape Partnership Celebration
We would like to send our thanks to everyone who came along and celebrated with us last week for the Colne Valley Forum and Lottery Landscape Partnership Celebration, held at Denham Grove Hotel.

Deregulation Agenda Escalates Threat to the Colne Valley Regional Park
Deregulation Agenda escalates threat to the Colne Valley Regional Park

Walk like an Edwardian
The Colne Valley Regional Park has published a new walking guide, "Walking in the Footsteps of an Edwardian", based on Stephen Springall’s 1907 Country Rambles Round Uxbridge, which reflects on the landscape changes in the past 100 years – from gravel extraction, motorways, and housing development.

Denham Eel Pass Project
Groundwork South, Affinity Water and private landowners are working in partnership to resolve barriers to the migration of European Eels in the Colne River Catchment in Denham. This is an exciting project to improve eel passage in Colne Valley Regional Park and deliver environmental benefits for an endangered species and is also part of the Landscape Partnership Scheme.

West Drayton Fish Passage Improvement Project
Groundwork South and the Environment Agency are working in partnership to resolve a series of issues affecting the River Colne at West Drayton Mill. This is an exciting project to improve fish passage in Colne Valley Regional Park and deliver environmental benefits as part of the Landscape Partnership Scheme.

Crunch time for the Colne Valley Park: why we simply have to save this precious landscape
One of our trustees explains why he cares so deeply about the Colne Valley Regional Park and campaigns tirelessly to save it from being eaten away by developers. His message is clear: “These threats are real, so now is the time to get involved”.