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Heathrow Expansion – the Colne Valley Regional Park’s position

We remain publicly and determinedly opposed to the plans to expand Heathrow Airport, which will cut the Park in two, changing it for ever. 1200 acres of Green Belt will be lost and many more hundreds of acres will be built over by displaced existing businesses, and for new facilities to serve a bigger Heathrow. What’s more, five rivers will be put into 2km-long tunnels or diverted, cutting connections for wildlife between the internationally-rare chalk streams of the Chilterns and the Thames.

Landscape Recovery in and around Horton, Wraysbury, Colnbrook & Poyle

Over the past year, the Colne Valley Park Team has been working to enhance the green spaces around Horton, Colnbrook & Poyle, and Wraysbury. Find out what we have been up to…



Donate Now to Help us Conserve the Colne Valley Park for Future Generations

Exciting news! Give to our charity appeal this week and Big Give’s Green Match Fund will DOUBLE your donation.
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Analysis finds 267 micro pollutants in the river Colne

A detailed analysis of the water quality of the River Colne has found 267 different micro pollutants. This report reflects two years of work on the part of the Colne Valley Fisheries Consultative sampling water and sediment taken from the River Colne in Watford and upstream to the headwaters.

Engaging with Planning across the Colne Valley Regional Park – Workshop 9th March

The Colne Valley Regional Park held this free, interactive, event in Iver Village Hall. The evening aimed to help attendees: On how to respond to large planning applications and Local Authority Plans; Understand the development threats facing our local Green Belt; By sharing a draft Planning Toolkit to help organisations.

Improving how the Green Belt functions on London’s Fringe – Conference 18th April

Are you interested in the future of the Green Belt, how it should function on the edge of London and where should planning policy be going? A forward thinking conference for Local Authorities, Politicians, National Organisations & Local Branches, Colne Valley Regional Park Member Orgs and other local organisations.

Colne Valley Curiosities

There are all sorts of “curiosities” in the Colne Valley Regional Park. Perhaps you have stumbled across them, marvelled and wondered what they are and how they got there? We thought it might be fun to gather some photographs here and provide some explanations.

Denham Eel Passes Installed

Our project to make it possible for eels to swim upstream past man made barriers in Denham is complete. We have successfully installed Eel Passes, to allow eels to negotiate weirs in the River Colne, at New Denham and in Denham Country Park where the Rivers Colne and Frays meet.