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Explore your Colne Valley Park – Summer 2024 edition is ready!

Welcome to our Summer newsletter with details of the challenges of protecting the Park and the local rivers and lots more, project updates, events, local walks and why you should get involved with your Colne Valley Park this Summer! Collect a copy from our Riverside café at the Visitor Centre in Denham Country Park or take a break and read the latest edition online here.

Green Belt: Why it matters

We take a closer look at the Green Belt and try to explain more about the crucially important role it plays in maintaining a balance between the environment in which we live, and the containment and management of urban development.


Write to Michael Gove to register your objection to Bucks Council disposing of green belt land that has been held in trust for 85 years.

Please write to Michael Gove today, starting your letter with “I object to this disposal” then in your own words state why you object. This is a case where numbers of letters does matter

Disposal of Green Belt land held in trust by Bucks Council

THURSDAY, September 28, 2023 was a dark day for Buckinghamshire Council, the Colne Valley Regional Park and the communities around Iver and Uxbridge. The council approved a colossal motorway service area on one of the narrowest parts of the Green Belt around London, a scheme of no benefit to the local community whatsoever.

Wonders of the Dark Sky Stargazing Event Held at Woodoaks Farm

A report of the Wonders of The Dark Sky Stargazing event held at Woodoaks Farm which offered a chance to marvel at the September night sky guided by astronomers

Green Skills Team Work On Crown Meadow in Slough

In partnership with SEGRO, Groundwork South has recently completed a Green Skills Team Project in Slough. This is a 6-week program in which unemployed individuals from Slough learn practical conservation and employability skills equipping them for employment in the green sector.

Enjoying Our Rivers Safely

We certainly don’t want to cause unnecessary alarm among our many visitors, but it is only fair that we should remind members of the public that the water in local rivers like the Misbourne and Colne may well not be as clean as they might expect.
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Our Green Belt – Wither or Whither?

Green Belt is under threat of erosion by creeping development and an absence of planning vision. Professor Peter Bishop, co-author of a book ‘Repurposing the Green Belt in the 21st Century’, spoke recently at the Colne Valley Regional Park’s conference and explains here how we could do better.