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Heathrow Expansion – the Colne Valley Regional Park’s position

We remain publicly and determinedly opposed to the plans to expand Heathrow Airport, which will cut the Park in two, changing it for ever. 1200 acres of Green Belt will be lost and many more hundreds of acres will be built over by displaced existing businesses, and for new facilities to serve a bigger Heathrow. What’s more, five rivers will be put into 2km-long tunnels or diverted, cutting connections for wildlife between the internationally-rare chalk streams of the Chilterns and the Thames.

Landscape Recovery in and around Horton, Wraysbury, Colnbrook & Poyle

Over the past year, the Colne Valley Park Team has been working to enhance the green spaces around Horton, Colnbrook & Poyle, and Wraysbury. Find out what we have been up to…



Two views, two bridges, one issue

There has been much debate recently about the Green Belt, prompted largely by developers and think tanks arguing that parts of it are of such poor quality they are no longer worth protecting. The Government needs to create a regional and national plan to address varied needs for development and for the natural environment.

Explore your Colne Valley Park – Summer 2024 edition is ready!

Welcome to our Summer newsletter with details of the challenges of protecting the Park and the local rivers and lots more, project updates, events, local walks and why you should get involved with your Colne Valley Park this Summer! Collect a copy from our Riverside café at the Visitor Centre in Denham Country Park or take a break and read the latest edition online here.
a group of walkers walking on a footpath surrounded by greenery

Green Belt: Why it matters

We take a closer look at the Green Belt and try to explain more about the crucially important role it plays in maintaining a balance between the environment in which we live, and the containment and management of urban development.

Thank you to the Colne Valley Volunteers

We’d like to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to the Colne Valley Volunteers as well as all the other amazing volunteer groups helping to look after our beautiful regional park!

Ducking and Diving in the Colne Valley

The wetland resource of the Colne Valley: a re-assessment of its importance to nature conservation, with special reference to waterbirds, is a survey commissioned in 2023 to look at water bird populations compared to those recorded in 2008.

How can national planning policy be adapted to improve and restore the green belt?

Our President Lord Randall chaired a workshop focusing on how national planning policy can be adapted to help improve and restore the countryside on the edge of major cities.