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Heathrow Expansion – the Colne Valley Regional Park’s position

We remain publicly and determinedly opposed to the plans to expand Heathrow Airport, which will cut the Park in two, changing it for ever. 1200 acres of Green Belt will be lost and many more hundreds of acres will be built over by displaced existing businesses, and for new facilities to serve a bigger Heathrow. What’s more, five rivers will be put into 2km-long tunnels or diverted, cutting connections for wildlife between the internationally-rare chalk streams of the Chilterns and the Thames.

Landscape Recovery in and around Horton, Wraysbury, Colnbrook & Poyle

Over the past year, the Colne Valley Park Team has been working to enhance the green spaces around Horton, Colnbrook & Poyle, and Wraysbury. Find out what we have been up to…



Become an official cattle checker – Free Online Training 12 of May

Can you help us care for the cattle grazing at Denham Country Park or Stanwell Moor? Make your exercise walk count by learning more about Conservation Grazing and how you can be an extra pair of eyes for us at these sites.

Maple Lodge Marsh-Pond Works

As part of our Landscape Partnership Scheme, with funding kindly provided by Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, we have made some important improvements to Maple Lodge Marsh near Maple Cross...

Our river heroes take on the challenge….

Last Sunday saw a strong team of 15 committed volunteers show up to help tackle the big problem of floating pennywort on the River Colne at Harmondsworth Moor..

Let’s get walking, let’s get exploring..

In our Explore your Colne Valley Park first edition we introduced our 18 circular walks, spread across the valley. After reading about them, Oona and Stephen Hempenstall from Ickenham, decided to give them a try...

Colne Valley Trail Signage Improvement

We have been working hard to improve the Colne Valley Trail in order to help people experience the beauty of our Regional Park..

Introducing Staines Moor

Covering over 500 hectares of open countryside; the moor consists of flood meadows, the Staines and King George VI reservoirs and a pretty stretch of the River Colne..