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Heathrow Expansion – the Colne Valley Regional Park’s position

We remain publicly and determinedly opposed to the plans to expand Heathrow Airport, which will cut the Park in two, changing it for ever. 1200 acres of Green Belt will be lost and many more hundreds of acres will be built over by displaced existing businesses, and for new facilities to serve a bigger Heathrow. What’s more, five rivers will be put into 2km-long tunnels or diverted, cutting connections for wildlife between the internationally-rare chalk streams of the Chilterns and the Thames.

Landscape Recovery in and around Horton, Wraysbury, Colnbrook & Poyle

Over the past year, the Colne Valley Park Team has been working to enhance the green spaces around Horton, Colnbrook & Poyle, and Wraysbury. Find out what we have been up to…



Floating Pennywort – The not-so-lucky pennies covering our rivers

One of many projects Colne Valley Regional Park is leading on is to educate people about species that are harmful for our ecosystem and some can be harmful for people if they get in contact with them. These species are called non-native invasive species, and one of them is the Floating Pennywort, which we aim to educate you about in this article.

Walking the Ivers

The Iver & District Countryside Association have been working on an interesting project they have named ‘Walking the Ivers’. This is a new idea to encourage local people to walk and explore their local countryside and rights-of-way. Find out more here with some real-time video clips on you tube of places to explore and enjoy in the parish of Iver.

Bird and Bat Boxes in the Colne Valley Park

The Colne Valley Regional Park is full of habitats that are ideal for our winged wildlife, namely bats and birds. These fascinating animals can be seen in towns and cities, in woodlands, meadows, on lakes and just about everywhere else in the valley.In a time of increasing urbanisation, we are doing our bit to give our amazing wildlife a helping hand.

The Colne Valley Regional Park Annual Forum 2020

In place of the the Annual Forum 2020 we bring you the Colne Valley Virtual Forum, an update on our work across the Colne Valley Regional Park. Here you will find really positive stories and more information about some of the challenges facing this fragile, precious though constantly threatened landscape.

Fisheries management training 2020 – Booking closed

As part of the Heritage Lottery Funded ‘Colne Valley: A Landscape on the edge’ project, Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust and the Colne Valley Fisheries Consultative are excited to offer this training opportunity to clubs with fisheries within the Colne Valley Regional Park. A limited number of places are available for this training and therefore we are offering places for 2 representatives from each club, each of whom should ideally be a fishery manager for qualifying waters.
Giant Hogweed@NNSS

A Giant Among Weeds

One of many projects Colne Valley Regional Park is leading on is to educate people about species that are harmful for our ecosystem and some can be harmful for people if they get in contact with them. These species are called Non Invasive species, and one of them is the Giant Hogweed, a danger to human health, which we aim to educate you about in this article