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Date(s) - Tuesday 18 Apr 2023
12:30 pm - 5:15 pm

Brunel University

Improving how the Green Belt functions on London’s Fringe – Policy and practice, using the Colne Valley Regional Park as a case study

Are you interested in the future of the Green Belt, how it should function on the edge of London and where should planning policy be going?

18th of April we will be holding a topical Green Belt Urban/ Rural Fringe Conference. It will be held in the fantastic conference facility at Brunel University, Uxbridge and is being made possible by the generous support of Brunel University and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

A forward thinking conference for Local Authorities, Politicians, National Organisations & Local Branches, Colne Valley Regional Park Member Orgs and other local organisations.

Purpose: Raise awareness of the challenges facing the ‘inner’ Green Belt and how the planning system can be improved, inspiring practitioners and politicians.

Programme includes:

– Welcome by Lord Randall of Uxbridge (President of the Colne Valley Regional Park and Patron of the London Green Belt Council) and Professor Andrew Jones (Vice Chancellor, Brunel University)

– Working to improve the Green Belt on the edge of London and 4 counties – Stewart Pomeroy, Colne Valley Managing Agent, Groundwork South

– Government proposals for protection and enhancement of the Green Belt – Government Minister/ Spokesperson tbc

– Re-purposing the Green Belt in the urban fringe – Peter Bishop, Professor of Urban Design at UCL and joint author “Repurposing the Green Belt in the 21st Century”

– A London-wide perspective – green corridors and connectivity to the countryside – Jamie Dean, Area Manager & Programme Director, Good Growth by Design, GLA

– Planning challenges facing the CVRP & policy responses needed for the urban-fringe Green Belt – Jerry Unsworth, Independent Planning Consultant

– What policy could help green the Green Belt? – Paul Miner, CPRE Acting Director of Campaigns & Policy

– Fresh thoughts – Mark Brand, Digital & AI Business Strategy Consultant & CVRP resident

Download a draft agenda here: https://www.colnevalleypark.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/18April2023-CVRP-GB-Urban-Rural-Fringe-Conference-Agenda.pdf

Event poster:

Booking Instructions

Book your ticket via eventbrite here. Please note tickets are limited. General admission is £45 – Concesssion prices at £20.

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