Your Countryside in Crisis – Campaign Update

Last month, we launched a campaign to protect the Colne Valley Regional Park in the face of overwhelming development pressure that now threatens its very future. Its mission is to:…

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Colne Valley Regional Park Forum 2023

We were delighted to welcome over 100 partners and colleagues to join the conversation at the Colne Valley Park Annual Forum at Brunel University London on Monday 11th December. We…

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Christmas around the Colne Valley Regional Park

Go Green this Christmas, encourage outdoor experiences and buy local. Read on for inspiration from the Colne Valley Regional Park Lost for Christmas gift ideas? [av_one_half first min_height='' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space=''…

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Meet Kabir a conservationist and wildlife writer, passionate about London’s biodiversity

Kabir Kaul is an inspiring young conservationist. Through writing, broadcasting, public speaking and social media, he raises awareness about the capital’s green spaces and their wildlife, which he calls the…

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Disposal of Green Belt land held in trust by Bucks Council

THURSDAY, September 28, 2023 was a dark day for Buckinghamshire Council, the Colne Valley Regional Park and the communities around Iver and Uxbridge. The council approved a colossal motorway service…

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Wonders of the Dark Sky Stargazing Event Held at Woodoaks Farm

The Wonders of The Dark Sky Stargazing event held at Woodoaks Farm in September was jointly organised by The Chiltern Society, the West of London Astronomical Society (WOLAS), Woodoaks Farm and the…

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Green Skills Team Work On Crown Meadow in Slough

In partnership with SEGRO, Groundwork South has recently completed a Green Skills Team Project in Slough. The Green Skills Team Project is a six-week programme in which unemployed individuals from the Slough…

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Why we need to protect the Colne Valley Regional Park

We have created a story board which makes the case for the protection of the Colne Valley Regional Park and why this is so urgent. Scroll down to play. Open…

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Enjoying Our Rivers Safely

The discharge of untreated sewage into the nation’s river network from treatment works has caused widespread concern. The problem has become significantly worse in recent years, and unfortunately it directly…

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Our Green Belt – Wither or Whither?

Outside of its villages the Colne Valley Regional Park comprises a large section of London’s Green Belt, offering the first taste of countryside to the west of the capital. Government…

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