Free Training – Non Native Invasive Species Management

Free Training - Non Native Invasive Species Management We are all cooped up at home at the moment but nature definitely isn’t and now that it is Spring everything is…

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Become an official cattle checker – Free Online Training 12 of May

Become an official cattle checker Can you help us care for the cattle grazing at Denham Country Park or Stanwell Moor? Make your exercise walk count by learning more about…

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Maple Lodge Marsh-Pond Works

Maple Lodge Marsh-Pond Works As part of our Landscape Partnership Scheme, with funding kindly provided by Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, we have made some important improvements to Maple Lodge…

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Our river heroes take on the challenge….

Our river heroes take on the challenge…. This grey, but mild Sunday in March saw a strong team of 15 committed volunteers show up to help tackle the big problem…

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Let’s get walking, let’s get exploring..

Stephen & Oona Hempenstall In our Explore your Colne Valley Park first edition we introduced our 18 circular walks, spread across the valley. After reading about them, Oona and Stephen…

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Colne Valley Trail Signage Improvement

Colne Valley Trail Signage Improvement The Colne Valley Trail weaves its way through the heart of the Regional Park and connects the major towns in the Valley including Staines, Uxbridge…

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Introducing Staines Moor

Staines Moor is a Historic and Scenic Landscape Covering over 500 hectares of open countryside; the moor consists of flood meadows, the Staines and King George VI reservoirs and a…

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Heathrow Expansion: our reaction to the Court of Appeal’s Ruling

Heathrow expansion – a project of unprecedented scale that includes a third runway – poses a grave threat to the Colne Valley Regional Park and the wider environment of the…

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Meet Paul, Trustee of Colne Valley Park, and a dedicated volunteer in our Colne Valley Visitor’s Centre

Meet Paul, a Trustee of  Colne Valley Park and a dedicated volunteer in our Colne Valley Visitor’s centre. “Paul, please tell us more about what a visitor can find here?” Well…

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Denham walk for wildlife and water, with Chris Packham

On December 29th, around 1,000 people turned out for a peaceful protest walk against HS2, organised by campaigners at Denham Country Park, to hear more about the destruction being caused…

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