Keeping The Rivers Flowing Project

Watercourses are an important feature in the Colne Valley Regional Park with over 200km of river and canals with over 60 lakes supporting an amazing variety of wildlife while providing the public with drinking water as well as opportunities for business and recreation. Humans and wildlife need water to survive from day to day but unfortunately our water sources are under threat with high water consumption, climate change, over extraction of water sources, and an ever increasing population, the future isn’t looking bright.

To raise awareness of this issue the Landscape Partnership Scheme were leading a ’Keep Rivers Flowing’ project in collaboration with Affinity Water, Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust and community groups to promote the water saving message throughout the Colne Valley Regional Park. The objective was to highlight the impact between water usage in the home and the effect it has on the River Colne and its tributaries through a range of different programmes, these include, Drip Drop Summer School, Water Saving Leaflet, Water Ambassadors and much more.

Water is a precious resource which wildlife and humans need to survive on this planet, with current climate predictions the importance of saving water is ever higher. We need to work together to ensure there is enough water for future generations.

If you would like to help your local community and river system, we are looking for local residents to become Community Ambassadors to help raise awareness on water issues and solutions. If you would like to get involved for further information click on the link below

Save Water Save Wildlife

A partnership approach is needed if we are to protect our rivers and wetlands from the impacts of increasing water demand and climate change. The River Colne and Stocker’s Lake feature in a short new film urging the public to “Save Water to Save Wildlife”. It gives some practical examples of how local communities can make little changes to help and how we need to act together and take action.

The film shows the abundant wildlife, typical of wetlands and chalk streams, including: kingfishers, brown trout, demoiselle damselfly, water voles and otters and many different varieties of wildflowers and plants. As the wildlife is seen in its beautiful surroundings, clips of taps running, showers being turned on, and the wider household use of water are shown together with the public all of whom are local wildlife lovers – children and adults – saying how they save water in their homes.

“It is very important that we look after our rivers and our wildlife as this video illustrates. The Colne is a beautiful river valley and we can all do our bit to help preserve and protect it, for our enjoyment and ensure wildlife thrives.  We are grateful for the opportunities that the Heritage Lottery Fund has given us to work collaboratively towards these goals.”

The film was produced by Affinity Water and the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust (HMWT) in association with Groundwork South and the Colne Valley Regional Park.


The South East of England receives half the rainfall than the rest of the UK with local residents in the South East also using more water daily – 152 litres per person per day, which is higher than the national average of 141 litres per person per day. With the changing climate there is greater pressure on our water resources, we need to work together to make sure there is water for everyone now and in the future. To find out how you can conserve water and help reduce stress on our local river systems check our leaflet.

Drip Drop Summer School – 12th-15th August 2019

In August 2019 Groundwork South in collaboration with Affinity Water delivered a free four day summer school called ‘Drip Drop Summer School’. The Drip Drop Summer School was an exciting and educational project engaging with young people to help raise awareness about the importance of water saving in a fun interactive environment. Find out more here:

Water awareness and conservation is incredibly important in Colne Valley. The water we use at home comes from underground sources called aquifers which provide water for rivers and other water bodies as well as for our homes. Thus the more water we use at home means there is less for local rivers and wildlife. A water awareness video was created as part of the ‘Keeping the Rivers Flowing’ project. Can you save water and save your local rivers? Find out more in the link below

For more information on water saving techniques take a look at:

Affinity Water:

Thames Water: