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Date(s) - Wednesday 26 Apr 2023
10:30 am

Northmoor Hill Wood Nature Reserve

Cost : £2.00

An exclusive opportunity for Friends of the Colne Valley Regional Park to join a field trip organised by Harrow and Hillingdon Society of Northmoor Hill Woods Nature Reserve and Black Park.

Start Time: 10.30am, End Time to be confirmed by the organiser.

Meeting place: The car park at the Northmoor Hill National Nature Reserve.

The walk is being led by Allan Wheeler.

What to expect: Guided field trip featuring a long disused chalk quarry. Northmoor Hill will be in the morning, then a drive to Black Park for lunch (optional, bring packed lunch or eat in the café). In the afternoon there will be a walk around Black Park lake.

The connection between the two sites is that different gravels were laid down at each during the Ice Ages, and these can inform us about the Thames migration through this part of London.

Harrow and Hillingdon Geology society have kind kept 6 places for Friends of CVRP.

For further details please see the detailed joining instructions here or contact the organisers

Learn more here about Harrow and Hillingdon Geology Society Field Trips


Booking Instructions

Please note that attendees must register in advance for this event, by contacting the organisers at [email protected]

Cost: £2 Colne Valley Regional Park members/partners (£3 Other visitors) Fee to be collected on site, please bring cash with you.

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